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Improving the Lives of Texas Children in Need

There are thousands of high-needs youth in the Texoma region in need of a safe, structured place to receive treatment when they are placed in out-of-home care.

Blue Skies provides comprehensive, trauma-informed care practices for mental health treatment of children and youth ages 6-17. Our programs are designed to provide 24/7 services for short-term crisis and long-term intense interventions.

Through our residential treatment center, we have the ability to treat 26 children at a time in need of significant care and resources as they recover from various forms of abuse and trauma.

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Our Services

Short-Term Program

Our short-term stabilization program features a five-bed unit to meet the immediate mental health needs of children and youth in crisis.

Blue Skies will conduct an in-depth assessment and utilize evidence based screening tools to determine risk factors, trauma, safety needs, mental health, family issues and lack of basic needs.

Long-Term Program

Our long-term program features a 21-bed unit to meet the longer-term mental health needs for children and youth. The average length of stay for these children and youth will be 90 days.

In this program, youth receive evidence based, best-practice therapeutic services to overcome their trauma, allowing them to thrive and become successful, healthy individuals

Renovating this facility isn’t a small task. We are asking the community to come alongside us to serve these children in need! Our capital campaign to raise funds for Blue Skies is still open and accepting donations. Donate today to make a lasting impact on the lives of hundreds of children.

To donate, please contact Fund Development Specialist Steven Mandeville at or (918) 728-3378.

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