Treat your foster care family to a scavenger hunt this holiday season. It’s a great way to enjoy some holiday cheer without spending a lot of money or consuming excess calories. Plus, it will give you a break from too much screen time. Here are 3 themes that will help draw your family closer together.
Personalize Your Scavenger Hunt:
We all love stories where we get to play the main character, so plan a scavenger hunt that’s all about your foster child. If you spent all or most of the past year together, you might make it like a highlights clip revisiting their major accomplishments and the happy memories you’ve shared. If your foster child arrived more recently and you’re still getting to know each other, you could make it about their favorite things. Either way, it will give you an opportunity for revealing conversations, so you can learn more about each other and discover all kinds of stuff you’ll want to do together in the coming year.
Explore Your Holiday Rituals:
If you’re already struggling to keep up, you can save time by taking a closer look at what you’re already doing to celebrate the holidays. Your scavenger hunt can be about finding decorations in your living room and ingredients for special meals in your kitchen. Talking about what they mean to you will make all your festivities more festive.
Build Up to Movie Night:
A little screen time is okay, especially if you can’t imagine letting December go by without the Grinch or Rudolph. Your scavenger hunt might tie in with a list of movies you want to watch or one special film. It could be your foster child’s favorite or your own or something new that you want to preview together. For example, if you’re going to screen It’s a Wonderful Life, you could hide items like bells and toy angel wings.
Keep your foster family merry and safe this holiday season. Contact TFI Family Services for more information about becoming a foster parent or making a year end donation to help vulnerable children and families.