Being a foster, kinship, and adoptive parent can’t be easy. Keep in mind that a high percentage of children in these situations have undergone trauma. So, parenting them can take an emotional, mental and physical toll on you. It’s okay that you are feeling overwhelmed. You just have to find effective ways of letting it all out. This is where self-care comes into play. It allows you to remain effective and balanced. Here are some effective self-care tips.
1. Have Down Time Each Day
It’s important that you have your own personal time each day to reflect and relax. It could be a morning walk, a good cup of coffee, or simply journaling. Your mind and body need time to recharge. And some downtime will leave you centered and refreshed.
2. Join a Support Group
You’ll be shocked at how many foster parents are going through the same things you are. Meeting with them can be quite affirming. Parents in the same support group sometimes trade respite care with each other.
3. Have Something That You Routinely Look Forward To
It could be a glass of wine on Saturday evenings, a spa day every Friday, or a movie night. Immediate positive reinforcement works wonders and motivates you to keep going.
4. Pick Up a New Hobby
Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar? Now may be the time to learn. Picking up a new hobby will help take your mind off the things that are stressing you. Hobbies also allow you to take some time for yourself.
Remember that self-care is beneficial for the whole family. When we take care of ourselves we are able to give the children our best version. Self-care also shows them that it is safe and healthy to take care of themselves. To learn more about self-care for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents, visit us today at TFI Family Services.