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Statement to Kansas Foster Parents

By November 20, 2018October 5th, 2023No Comments

To our valued foster parents,

You may have heard about the lawsuit brought against the Kansas Foster Care System specifically Governor Jeff Colyer and officials within the Department for Children and Families, the Department of Health and Environment, and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. We want you to know that we support you and appreciate all you do for kids. We are so thankful that you have sacrificed so much to be a foster parent, and to nurture and care for traumatized kids and often their parents too.

Statement to Kansas Foster Parents

TFI is devoted to ensuring your family is strengthened though the process of fostering and adoption. We provide you a foster care worker to support and advocate for you, while keeping you in compliance with licensing standards. Sometimes, though, you may want more support. If you have complaints, questions, concerns, we encourage you to contact our Ombudsman, Nadine Terry Washington about your concerns. It is ok to call Nadine instead of your worker or their supervisor if you have concerns and complaints that are not being resolved.

The ombudsman is a separate and independent person outside the TFI Foster Care Program whose role is to investigate complaints and advocate for foster parents, foster children, and clients. Nadine has been working on behalf of children and families for over 30 years. Please do not hesitate to contact her with any complaints, questions or concerns you may have. Her contact information is:

Phone: 1-877-942-2239
You may also use the Contact Us Form located on our website

Again, we just want to express our thanks to you for being a foster parent, and giving so much to the children and families we serve. We appreciate you and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!


Rachelle Roosevelt, LMSW
Vice President of Foster Care

Read the statement to KS foster parents